LA and Oceanside Events Get a Touch of Vintage Charm from Typewriter Poetry Party Favors

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Los Angeles events are in for a fun vintage twist, as the party poetry people at Haikuists prepare their typewriters for this holiday season in Southern California.
Have you gotten bored of the same, worn-out acts at every party?
It often feels like entertainment and activities are contrived more to fill awkward silences than to provide an event with any genuinely memorable experiences.
Thankfully, the talented poets at Haikuists have finally brought their unforgettable party favors to the golden coast.
This delightfully intimate new take on party entertainment is here to liven up everything from corporate events to weddings with its uniquely personal touch.
The job of every one of Haikuists’ poets is to engage you in a brief, friendly conversation, and then turn that interaction into a haiku before your very eyes!
The isolation of the past two years has left us craving connection and company more than ever, which is precisely what Haikuists is bringing to their events!
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