You might be turned off by the idea of mined diamonds – if so, you’re not alone.
But lab-grown stones are the same as the “real thing”, plus they are less expensive! Breslauer & Warren Jewellers offers conflict-free, lab-grown, top-quality diamond jewelry.
Call Breslauer & Warren Jewellers (403-252-9048) to learn more!
Interest in lab-grown diamonds has surged in recent years, due in part to their high quality, as well as the stigma associated with mined diamonds.
Chemical Vapour Disposition – CVD – is used in the production of lab-grown diamonds in order to replicate the circumstances that occur during the formation of a natural diamond.
Breslauer & Warren Jewellers offers wedding rings, anniversary rings, and diamond engagement rings – in a wide range of different cuts. Custom-made rings are also available.
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Lab-Created Diamond Jewelry In Calgary, Downtown: Custom Round Cut Engagement Rings