Leadership Books: Elevating the Future of Publishing

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Leadership Books is pioneering a new era in publishing with an approach designed to support and elevate authors at every stage of their journey. Unlike traditional publishers that often reject manuscripts outright, we focus on the potential within each story. If we see promise, we offer authors the choice to refine their manuscript independently or with the help of our expert in-house editors. This commitment to nurturing potential ensures that every book can reach its highest quality before publication.

Our personalized coaching program is another cornerstone of our innovative approach. Authors benefit from one-on-one guidance from experienced executive editors who provide tailored feedback and support. This mentorship not only helps improve the current manuscript but also equips authors with the skills and knowledge needed for future projects. We believe in building long-term success by developing strong, skilled writers.

Global distribution is a key factor in the success of any book, and Leadership Books excels in this area. We collaborate with international distributors to ensure that your book reaches readers across the globe, from local bookstores to major online platforms. By handling all aspects of distribution and customer service, we relieve authors of these complexities, allowing them to focus on their craft.

Our strategic launch plan further sets us apart. We implement a phased release strategy that begins with hardcover editions, followed by paperbacks, eBooks, and audiobooks. This method maximizes the book’s visibility and extends its market life. Additionally, Leadership Books retains copyright for five years, after which rights are returned to authors, giving them the freedom to decide the future of their book.

At Leadership Books, we are dedicated to transforming the publishing experience. Our comprehensive support system and innovative strategies are designed to help authors not only publish but thrive. Discover how we can elevate your publishing journey and turn your book into a success story.

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Leadership Books, Inc
City: Henderson
Address: 1489 West Warm Springs Road
Website Leadership Books, Inc
Phone +1-702-605-4359
Email mstickler@leadershipbooks.net


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