Learn How To Cook A Full Celebration Meal Menu For Vegan & Vegetarian Guests

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Scoop Intelligence provides online cookery classes for low-waste, plant-based menus including recreations of classic dishes with ingredient substitutions.
The Plantiful Holiday Feast program will teach you how to cook a delicious, full course vegan dinner that can be modified for other dietary requirements. 
It includes meal planning guides and grocery shopping lists together with tips for reducing food waste and energy consumption in the kitchen.
Menu highlights cover how to make veggie pot pie with an easy pie crust from scratch, dairy-free mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, kale salad, lemon garlic dressing and more.
The course includes lifetime access to video tutorials and PDF resources. Enroll now and get Lessons On Leftovers and Pumpkin Pie Recipe bonuses worth $200!
Scoop Intelligence provides virtual training programs and information resources for sustainable living. Other courses on the platform include The Ultimate Pie Baking Course.
The founder Stephanie Lentz is also the owner of Scoop Marketplace – a zero-waste grocery store in Seattle, Washington.
Take the plunge into your plant-based culinary mastery today! Click on the link in the description to sign up!


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