Learn How You Can Help Port Clinton To Restore & Preserve The 20s Ford Tri-Motor

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If you’re an aircraft or history enthusiast, you will already be aware of the historic importance of the Ford Tri-Motor.
However, you may not know about Port Clinton’s Tri-Motor Heritage Foundation, which is building, preserving, and maintaining the classic 1920s aircraft.
The non-profit foundation is appealing to enthusiasts like you to help support their work, which sees them restore the classic Ford Tri-Motor back to its original glory.
By raising awareness of their project, the Port Clinton organization is encouraging you to help them showcase the Tri-Motor to the public.
The campaign is educating visitors on the historical importance of the aircraft with the ultimate goal of making flights in the restored plane possible in the future.
By restoring this historic aircraft, the foundation is helping younger generations to learn about the plane and its pivotal role in the world’s and Port Clinton’s history.
Help restore the Ford Tri-Motor back to its former glory by donating to Port Clinton’s Tri-Motor Heritage Foundation today!
Visit RestoreTheFord.org for more information.


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