Learn Water Safety & Freestyle For Beginners With 7-Day Free Trial To This Swim Training Community

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If you wish you could swim but you don’t know where to begin, the SWIMVICE website offers a 7-day free trial to their online swimming and water safety training program.
If you haven’t had a swimming lesson before, it’s never too late to begin. With this innovative online service, you can receive professional video lessons anywhere, anytime.
Whether you’re just dipping your toe in the water, or you’ve been swimming for many years, you will find a video course tailored to your level and needs.
Online coaching is a highly effective and convenient way to improve your swimming ability, and with the free trial from SWIMVICE, now you can try it out for yourself. 
Unfortunately, many areas are still underserved by professional swimming training programs, and this website gives you a modern-day solution.
Video instruction covers a range of fundamental skills if you have little or no experience, including how to tread water and build your confidence.
If you’re more experienced, you can watch instructional videos in areas such as freestyle breathing techniques, body position, kick timing, and stroke cycle. 
Start your free 7-day trial today. Click the link in the description for more information.


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