It may not be too late for your marriage! Relationship Explorations offers in-depth therapy sessions that can give your union a much-needed new lease on life.
The practice gives you the chance to thoroughly discuss underlying issues with a licensed psychologist.
The sessions are led by Dr. Lin Jovanovic, who teaches you communication skills and recommends behavioral adjustments that can help you avert a divorce.
The therapy session is divided into two parts: a three-hour deep dive and a six-hour intensive couple’s consultation.
These workshops allow you to address issues like lack of intimacy and unreliable behavior, while also helping you navigate major life changes.
The workshops are underpinned by memory reconsolidation, which teaches you to change the way you react to events and develop healthier ways of responding.
Your marriage is worth fighting for. If other therapists haven’t given you the breakthrough you’ve been looking for, consider contacting Dr. Lin’s intensive program for couples!
Click on the link in description to find out more!
Licensed Therapist In Truckee Has Offsite Counseling Program For Struggling Couples