London Natural Medicine Clinic Has Bioenergetic Rife Therapy Frequency Machine

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Vitality Distribution believes that Rife therapy is one of the cornerstones of energy frequency healthcare, and they want you to experience its power.
Their collective of professionals and natural medicine practitioners believe that Rife therapy is a powerful alternative health tool that you can use to support optimal health.
They also recommend it to treat chronic illnesses, to reduce the painful symptoms of various conditions, and to give your patients a boost of energy.
Vitality Distribution is proud to have pioneered a new Rife therapy frequency machine, which you can use portably to make home visits.
They have observed that it can promote better blood flow, circulation and immune function, and support metabolic processes and optimal health.
Rife technology was first pioneered by Royal Rife, an American scientist, in the early 20th century to destroy harmful cells and alternately promote good cellular regeneration.
The clinic believes that the power of Rife speaks for itself, and they recommend their new frequency machine to naturopaths and natural medicine practitioners like yourself.
Go to to find out more.


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