Welcome to the fun world of dental content marketing! We know, we know – hearing the words “dental” and “fun” in the same sentence might seem like a stretch.
But trust us, with the right approach, even a topic as seemingly painful as dental marketing can be a blast!
So, what exactly is omni-channel content marketing, and why should your dental practice be paying attention?
Simply put, it’s promoting your business across a variety of platforms, from news sites to podcast platforms, video, social media & more – using a strategic long-term content plan.
By promoting your practice across a variety of channels, you’re increasing your chances of being seen by potential patients.
And with the right approach, you can even give the big dental chains a run for their money.
How? By humanizing your practice, showcasing your unique personality and values, and – most importantly – answering your prospects ultra-specific questions.
Click on the link in description to find out more!
MediaSoft Discusses 2023 Dental Marketing Essentials & Why Omni-Channel Content Is The New King