Mind Rewire Live Event Houston – Change the programs of your subconscious, Basic Workshop

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Houston – Mind Rewire, 2 day LIVE Rapid Transformation Course January 12 and 13, 2019

A Transformational 2 day Live Class That Dives Deep Into Your Mind – And teaches you how to Reprogram Yourself.
Discover how your thinking Directly changes your behavior and your life…
Learn a simple technique to change the way you think and clean up your subconscious programs…
Rewire your mind and structure your thinking so automatically defaults to the things you desire in your life…
#mindrewire, Breaking…
Rewire Your Mind
Houston Pixies Intent
Pixies Intent – Houston, Texas – Call for information (832) 831-8405
2 Day Rapid Transformation Live Event. Mind Rewire – Christy Mattoon
Houston Texas, USA


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