New Christian Soul Recording Label Does Unique Song Placements & Licensing

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For sound that truly has soul, you need Blacstone Entertainment. The new record label is fusing community, music and Christian spirit.
Blacstone Entertainment was recently founded by Blacstone, professional wedding balladeers who perform extensively at live events across the United States, including at weddings.
Blacstone Entertainment has quickly gained momentum for its high-caliber roster of Christian, Gospel, R&B and Soul performers, and for the Christian Soul sound it’s pioneering.
In addition to offering stylistically aligned independent musicians in the Southern US a new home, the label is also now expanding their reach into the commercial sector.
Blacstone Entertainment can now offer clients like yourself a quality roster of performing artists as well as unique song placements and licensing opportunities.
The leading band behind the new label, Blacstone, is also proud to announce that they have released their new single, which is titled ‘Matrimony’.
The artists have attained streaming success for the track on Spotify and, when you listen to it, you will truly appreciate their vocal, lyrical and musical depth.
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