NYC Auto Accident Help: ASK4SAM’s Brooklyn & Queens Injury Hotline 877-ASK4SAM

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ASK4SAM introduces a dedicated hotline for Brooklyn & Queens residents facing car and truck accidents: 877-ASK4SAM

NYC Attorneys ASK4SAM Unveil Brooklyn & Queens Hotline for Car & Truck Accidents

New York-based personal injury law firm, Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C., is proud to announce the dedication of its iconic number, 877-ASK4SAM, to serve as a 24-hour hotline. The hotline is aimed at providing immediate legal assistance to Brooklyn and Queens residents who have suffered injuries in car and truck accidents.

Understanding the immediate need for legal advice after an accident, the firm aims to empower accident victims by informing them of their rights, ensuring that they are not taken advantage of in their vulnerable moments.

J. Michael West, who heads up one of the divisions of the firms marketing, commented, “Our communities in Brooklyn and Queens deserve immediate and top-tier legal counsel in the aftermath of a traumatic accident. By launching a 24/7 hotline, we want to be that first point of contact, helping victims navigate the complexities of their situation.”

The decision to focus on Brooklyn and Queens with this dedicated hotline stems from a concerning rise in car and truck accidents in these boroughs. With their extensive experience in representing accident victims, Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. recognizes the urgency of the situation and the importance of swift, expert advice.

Residents of Brooklyn and Queens who find themselves in the unfortunate situation of a car or truck accident are encouraged to immediately dial 877-ASK4SAM to receive free consultation and to understand their rights and the potential paths to compensation.

In the wake of motor vehicle accidents, victims often find themselves facing off against insurance companies that prioritize their bottom line over the welfare of the injured. The role of accident lawyers, especially those specializing as personal injury lawyers, becomes crucial in such scenarios. Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. brings to the table a profound understanding of these dynamics, ensuring that auto accident victims receive the fair compensation they deserve.

“Dealing with insurance companies post-accident can be a daunting task for many. Our dedicated hotline not only serves as an immediate point of contact but also offers a shield against potential intimidation from insurance entities,” adds West. “Whether the incident is a car collision, a truck mishap, or pedestrian accidents, our aim is to ensure that every victim knows their rights and is rightfully guided towards achieving the maximum financial compensation.”

Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. | Queens NYC Personal Injury Attorneys
City: Jamaica
Address: 89-00 Sutphin Blvd
Website Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. | Queens NYC Personal Injury Attorneys


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