If you want to hold the best Bar Mitzvah on the block, you need STUF’D.
The caterers are dishing up delicious small plates that your son or daughter and all their friends will really love.
Although Bar Mitzvah’s have traditionally been sit-down affairs, they think appetizers and snacks served throughout the event are a far easier, social, and youthful way to go.
From the moment you contract STUF’D’s services, owner, head caterer and professional event planner Rebecca Mitchel will help you design a concept and a menu for your event.
She knows how to cater to a wide demographic audience and to create kosher-style friendly foods that your teenage kids and parents alike will enjoy.
STUF’D is a food truck catering service so you can opt to have service directly from the truck like at a festival or fair, or hand delivered by their waitstaff.
STUF’D has fast become New York’s favorite food truck.
Visit www.stufdtruck.com to find out more!