OVW Debuts Wine Trading Opportunity Buys for Retailers, Distributors
One Vine Wines reveals wine trading opportunity buys sure to improve business for wine retailers, wine distributors, and wine clubs.
The opportunity concerns a closely-guarded secret in the wine industry. You can save money & improve access to fine wines available in the marketplace.
A nontraditional importer and distributor of fine wine, One Vine Wines offers a new platform to address this opportunity in the wine trade.
This platform delivers a more effective method for 1) buying and selling, 2 )
liquidating or trading, and 3) diversifying selection and price.
“Because of continued consolidation in the wine trade, we developed much-needed liquidation & closeout expertise over the 10 years,” Greg Martellotto explains.
“Companies with unsold inventory or involved in bankruptcy needed a better alternative to liquidate their inventory.”
Wine retailers, wholesalers, and wine clubs can now access high-demand, high-quality wines at unheard of pricing.
One Vine Wine delivers a new platform that is easy & efficient. Companies wanting to buy, sell, trade wine closeouts & liquidations now have a better option.
Since 2004 One Vine Wines has been paving a better way to conduct business in the wholesale wine trade.
Greg Martellotto, Owner | (619) 567-9244 | OneVineWines.com