Oxygen Nose Hygiene Defender Spray Combats Nasal Bacteria & Reduces Irritation

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Has the tail-end of a cold or flu left you with sore nostrils and congested sinuses? IamOxygen’s daily Defender nasal spray flushes out bacteria and helps you breathe easier!
The ‘Defender Nasal Hygiene Therapy’ infusion contains 500 sprays of stabilized active oxygen, as well as immunity-boosting trace minerals such as zinc and selenium.
IamOxygen created its soothing liquid concentrate based on research into oxygen therapies’ potential to be used to stop irritation in your mucus membranes and reduce congestion.
By hyper-oxygenating your nasal passages, the spray prevents the anaerobic toxins, which would otherwise cause you irritation, from thriving.
As such, it can reduce the pathogenic invasion and bacterial replication processes that lead to inflammation and dryness.
The pH-balancing spray hydrates and enhances the protective mucus membranes that support your healthy nasal flora.
Containing 350,000pm of active oxygen concentrate, the nasal hygiene product opens up your sinuses for easier respiration.

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