Business cards are an absolutely essential part of doing business, but they’re also a gamble – they are often lost, damaged, or discarded without the information being saved.
Gray Water Ops has a luxury patented alternative that puts your information directly onto your contact’s smartphone – so it can’t be easily lost. Know it’s entered correctly.
They store your contact information, websites, or whatever details you would like to share with your clients, on a custom-built coin with NFC technology built-in.
You can share the data directly to smartphones, just by tapping them gently with the coin.
The coins work with nearly any smartphone built in the last decade, and the data transfer does not even require an internet connection.
There’s no limit on how many times the coins can be used, and they can be custom designed to match your business.
Want more options? The coins can even transfer several kinds of data, from customer ID numbers to map locations.
Visit the link in the description to learn more, or to design your own digital business card coin.
Paperless Luxury Business Card Alternative | Instant Contact Info Transfer With Custom NFC Coins