Patriots Love This Web Browser For Authentic Search Results & Conservative News Stories

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Are you tired of feeling like your news and information is being censored online?
TUSK is a web browser that allows you to access the sources you trust, without any liberal bias!
TUSK is the only “Freedom First” web browser out there, specifically designed to help you control your internet experience.
You get to choose the media outlets you trust, so you can browse a news feed that’s relevant and personalized just for you.
Now available on Google Play, the App Store, and on Windows and macOS, the browser champions private browsing.
You can curate your own news feed and wave goodbye to the woke agenda that seems to be everywhere these days!
Best of all, the browser forces sites to use HTTPS connections when possible, giving you an additional layer of protection over your data.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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