Playlist Plugger Pitches Your New Music To Influential Independent Playlist Curators On Spotify

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Wondering how to get your music featured on popular Spotify playlists?
Get your tunes heard with Playlist Plugger!
The renowned PR and plugging company is offering you playlist placement services whether you’re a new or more established artist.
By securing prime spots on thousands of popular playlists, the company helps you find a ready-made audience and speeds up the process of building your own following and fanbase.
The team only submits tracks to appropriate curators, pitching songs for playlists that will maximize a track’s commercial potential.
Subscription options start at just $60 per month for three to five playlist positions and 5000 streams.
Bring your beats to the masses! Kickstart your career with Playlist Plugger.
Click the link in the description for more details.


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