QuickBooks & Salesforce Integration Helps Sales Enablement & Avoids Double Data Entry

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Are you looking for ways to streamline your back-office operations?
Save time and avoid double data entry with Commercient’s SYNC for QuickBooks Desktop and Salesforce
SYNC provides you with a simple and flexible solution to the challenges of integrating enterprise resource planning software with customer retention strategies.
By syncing separate programs through a unified platform, you can access all your data in one user-friendly place.
As well as offering you greater convenience, SYNC by Commercient also helps you reduce your IT costs with a customized off-the-shelf integration that SYNCs only what you need.
SYNC’s integration allows your reps to access and place orders through a customized CRM database, saving time and money in the process.
For true innovation in integration, you need Commercient on your team. Get the SYNCed today!
Visit commercient.com for more details.


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