Red-Light Therapy Promotes Tissue Regeneration & Relieves Pain In Arthritis Sufferers

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If you suffer from knee pain, you should check Knees Central’s guide, which gives you insight into some of the newest treatments that you can discuss with your doctor.
It’s most recent article discusses how Photobiomodulation therapy, AKA red-light therapy, has the potential to relieve chronic pain.
The article, titled “What Is Photobiomodulation Therapy Used For?”, will help you understand the mechanics of, and applications for, this new non-invasive therapy.
The therapy is relatively new, but available evidence suggests that PBMT may help patients with inflammatory, musculoskeletal, neurological, or skin conditions.
In particular, it may help if you suffer from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, diabetic neuropathy, migraines, or eczema.
Knees Central highlights that the therapy has been shown to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve nerve function, and encourage tissue healing.
PBMT may be a suitable treatment if you are looking for a drug-free option with very few side effects.
Click the link in the description to learn about Photobiomodulation therapy.


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