Resolve Unexplained Upper Back & Neck Pain With McKinney Temporomandibular Joint Therapy

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If your temporomandibular joint isn’t working properly, it can cause all sorts of mischief. Millennium Smiles now uses advanced biometric technology to understand what’s going on.
The system is actually called joint vibrational analysis (JVA), and it’s a super quick and easy way to understand what’s happening with your temporo – erm – jaw joint.
The NIH says that temporomandibular disorder (TMD) can affect up to 12% of the population, so if you’re experiencing some unexplained facial pain, that could be the culprit.
Give Millennium Smiles a call, and they’ll be happy to help you understand more.
Symptoms of TMD can include jaw pain, headaches, pain throughout the face, neck, and upper back, earaches, and clicking of the jaw.
With their advanced biometric testing service, the clinic offers you a rapid and effective way to assess the function of your jaw joint.
The procedure only takes 5-minutes, and is totally pain-free and non-invasive.
Book an appointment today. Click on the link in description to find out more!


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