Governors have a constitutional oath, to maintain your rights, but have said they are discussing a request that would deny people-their rights,
Also, even though they say otherwise, since retailers are writing to Governors like Cuomo, what they are asking for is already being done.
Still, Big Retailers have requested that Governors do new orders that force people to wear masks in public because current orders are confusing.
Yet, in these stores they have confusing announcements and signs that say things like all customers are required to wear masks, when this is false.
Also, News broadcast many times give people the wrong idea that masks are a must for everyone, when using words like “Mandatory” but it was not true.
There are health reasons for people not wearing masks like it causing oxygen reduction, and Co2 poisoning, & breathing in toxic mask micro-fibers.
Whether the retailers & governors admit it or not, this crafty letter is working to harm people, encouraging governors to work around their oaths,
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