Right-Leaning Chrome Alternative Browser Has Censorship Free Integrated Search

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Help TUSK fight for a censorship free internet and a free speech forward America in 2023.
The web browser launched at the end of last year and is expanding its scope and functionality in 2023.
TUSK now gives you a totally private and free-speech browsing experience free from the algorithms and censorship that dominate the big three browsers—DuckDuckGo, Brave and Chrome.
It also has as an integrated search platform and a news media feed, and you can now download the app on iOS mobile, Android mobile, Mac desktop and Windows desktop.
TUSK believes what former US President Donald Trump recently stated, “The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed and it must happen immediately.”
They’re creating a browsing experience that eliminates liberal bias and gives conservative Americans like you the opportunity to view the content you want, without restriction.
TUSK comprises a web browser, a built-in search and a breaking news and top stories news feed. This feed can be filtered to only include stories from your most trusted sources.
Go to tuskbrowser.com to find out more.


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