Same-Day Dentures In Oxnard: Top Painless Dentist For Sick, Elderly Or Anxious Clients

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Dentistry has advanced in recent years, both in technology and surgical techniques – but unfortunately, these advances aren’t standard practice across the industry yet.
Anacapa Dental Arts Institute is dedicated to using the most effective, proven technology, and advanced surgical procedures to ensure every client gets the dental care they need.
According to the CDC, by the age of 65 nearly 1 in 5 Americans will have lost all of their teeth, and nearly twice that number by age 75.
While they can be replaced with dentures, the procedure can often take weeks, even without an implanted set, and you could be stuck with no teeth during the entire process.
As a prosthodontist with an on-site dental lab, Dr. Saj Jivraj, DDS, MSEd, specializes in treating damaged or missing teeth – with an entirely in-house process.
With their advanced All-On-Four implant technique, you can walk in with no teeth in the morning, and leave with a full smile in the afternoon.
Anxious about your visit? Ask them about oral sedation that will allow you to stay awake for your procedure, but in a painless, “dream-like” state.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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