San Francisco Genetic Counseling Helps You Decide On The Right Prenatal Screening Method

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San Francisco Genetic Counseling offers comprehensive prenatal counseling for future parents.
The team helps you make an informed decision regarding the prenatal testing strategy that is most suitable for you.
At San Francisco Genetic Counseling, you will get information and advice on the prenatal test options currently available.
The team will explain the specifics of each screening method and then determine which test is right for your case, making sure it also suits your personal ethics and preferences.
A prenatal counselor is recommended if you or your partner has a family history of a genetic condition.
The service is also suitable if you have a history of infertility or pregnancy losses, or if you are concerned about pregnancy risks associated with increased age
The team also offers consultations for home DNA tests, such as those by 23andMe, for couples who have questions about their results and want a more thorough evaluation.
Go to so you can learn more.


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