Schacher Orthodontics Is The Leading Removable Clear Retainer Provider in Brantford

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Never let your teeth go crooked with a retainer from Schacher Orthodontics! They provide removable or fixed retainers to stabilize your teeth after dental correction procedures.
Retainers are custom-made devices, usually made of wire or clear plastic, that hold your teeth in position after surgery or teeth realignment.
Schacher Orthodontics’ offers clear retainers, which are the industry-preferred option. They are made of thermoplastic material and appear “invisible” while being worn.
They also offer the more traditional Hawley retainers, which use a combination of plastic and wire. They are just as effective as clear retainers but are far more obtrusive.
All Schacher Orthodontics retainers are made using impressions of your teeth. They recommend wearing the retainer all the time for one year following the removal of braces.
After one year they suggest wearing the retainer only at night. They should also be regularly cleaned with a toothbrush and cleaning solution to avoid plaque build-up.
Owned and operated by Dr. Victor Schacher, Schacher Orthodontics specializes in early orthodontic treatments for children and teens, as well as adults with non-surgical options.
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