Scholarships & Grants To Get Fully Funded In California For High Income College Students

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So I graduated college last year! I know – huge! I was pretty good at it so, at the ceremony, they asked me to say a few words.
I got up on that stage and said: “Thank you student loans for getting me through university…
I don’t think I could ever repay you.”
That got some chuckles – but also struck at the core of the issue: college in the US is just too expensive.
To make sure you don’t end up like me, talk to College Planning Experts.
If you’re in California, drop them a line and they’ll help you find and apply for financial aid.
The new service includes strategic funding consulting and application. 
With College Planning Experts, you can avoid common mistakes when filing your financial aid forms – like overstating your net worth.
Check it out at


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