Social Entrepreneurs Improve Problem Solving Skills & Out-Of-The Box Thinking

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Do you feel like you have 99 problems but a game changer ain’t one? If you’ve been wrapped up in solving all the wrong problems, Macadamia Solutions is here to help.
Where many people see problems as just that, Steven Wright views them as opportunities for innovative thinking, perspective changes, and future growth.
In ‘Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem!’, you will learn that a problem is simply the difference between your objective or goal and your current reality.
Steven Wright is confident that the problem with problems is simply the way that we frame them, which is why, in his course, he teaches you how to develop your problem statement.
This exercise in perspective encourages you to reframe and reconsider your initial problem until you arrive at the problem that really matters, or the better problem to solve.
Wright knows that social entrepreneurs are constantly solving problems. However, finding the problem to solve that will lead to progress is not always self-evident.
That’s why the course focuses on out-of-the-box and divergent thinking skills, so you can recognize these ‘right’ problems to solve and develop creative solutions to solve them.
Visit the website in the description to find out more.


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