Survive An Active Shooter: Flexible Online Survival Training Open For Enrollment

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Is the continuous increase in shootings making you worried about your safety? ALIVE Active Shooter Survival Training Program can help!
The school’s courses are designed to give you proper instruction on how to react when in the presence of an active shooter.
With the offered instruction, you won’t need to worry about what to do in the face of danger as the most effective and safe methods will be revealed.
The courses will teach you to identify warning signs of incoming violence, understand why assailants attack, and what you should do to survive.
“The 5 Steps of ALIVE Accelerated Course” is one hour long and will help you gain the confidence you need to react quickly without freezing up.
Instead of feeling hopeless, you will learn to feel empowered and even determined to help others around you.
The school’s “ALIVE Power Course” is two hours long and will help you discover how to recognize upcoming acts of violence.
Go to to find out more!


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