Taste Perfection With Premium Guatemala Coffee: Catuai Beans Medium Roasted For A Fruity Flavor

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Boss Brew Coffee is dedicated to ensuring the highest possible quality coffee experience for aficionados like you all around the world.
For your next taste adventure, why not try their Guatemalan beans for an invitingly delicious cup that’s full of personality and freshness?
You’ll fall in love with the balance of dark chocolate, butterscotch, and bright fruit notes of this coffee cultivated in the volcanic loam soil of Antigua, Guatemala.
Guatemala is the ninth-largest coffee-growing country in the world, producing 2.3% of the coffee exported worldwide.
Unlike supermarkets that store coffee blends for weeks or months after exportation, Boss Brew Coffee provides freshly roasted whole beans shipped directly to you.
Boss Brew Coffee’s Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, and Typica beans are fully washed and sun-dried before being exported and turned into SHB-certified coffee products.
Their Guatemala medium-roasted selection is available in 12 oz, 1 LB, 2 LB, or 5 LB bags and as whole beans, standard grind, or espresso grind.
Visit the link in the description to discover more.


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