Tax-Free Growth for Generational Wealth with Whole Life Insurance: Infinite Banking Concept Training

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Take control of your finances and achieve financial independence with I Own My Bank’s whole life insurance and the infinite banking concept.
Why save in a traditional 401(k) or keep your savings in the bank if you can get dividends and earn more interest with whole life insurance?
I Own My Bank’s webinar gives detailed information about how you can achieve financial freedom using a 200-year-old strategy to create generational wealth.
The money multiplier method allows you to make large purchases, like buying a car or a home, tax-free.
Based on Nelson Nash’s bestselling book Becoming Your Own Banker, the webinar shows how whole life insurance policies can be used as dividend-paying assets.
The webinar explains that if you are saving up for retirement, you can be sidetracked by issues like global political and economic upsets.
I Own My Bank encourages you to seek alternative ways to grow your wealth and diversify your income sources, so you are better protected from economic distress.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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