Terrorism Survival Online Course For Active Shooter Event – Good For Schools

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A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter is an online survival training program. 
The two-hour course teaches you the five key steps to survive an active shooter situation.
The modules include everything you need to know about why active shooters do what they do and how to build situational awareness to stay alive. 
In particular, the course teaches the five steps of A.L.I.V.E.: Assess the situation, Leave when possible, Impede if capable, avoid Violence, and seek to Expose. 
Here, you will be better prepared to recognize potentially violent events before they happen and properly respond to them. 
NO ONE wants to be in the middle of a terrorist attack – but if the worse comes to worst, would you know how to handle yourself?
The entire program is taught by Michael Julian, a well-known and respected security enforcement officer. 
Go to activeshootersurvivaltraining.com to learn more.


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