The Best Wheelchair Alternative | Pedal-Free Bicycle Mobility Aid For MS, Arthritis, Stroke Recovery

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If there was a mobility device that could let you walk alongside your friends and family, at their height and speed, without stressing your upper body, that would be great, right?
Well, a walking bike can do just that, and look cool too!

Alinker’s walking bicycle makes an active and engaging lifestyle more accessible.
The innovative design of the Alinker gives you greater freedom of movement than other mobility aids such as wheelchairs, canes, and walkers.
The pedal-less bike allows you to continue using your legs without slowing down, while its standing height keeps you at eye level with others.
By making physical activity and social connection more accessible, the bike is more than just a mobility device but a vehicle for societal change.
The bike has been helpful to people who have MS, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord injuries, and who are recovering from a stroke, among many other conditions.
If you still have command of your legs, the Alinker allows you to continue to use and exercise them with less fatigue.
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