The Big Lie About Affiliate Programs

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If you’d ask most people which is more valuable..time or money, nine out of ten of them would say “Time”.
Most people would work a 60 hour work week for a guaranteed check before they would spend $6000 on an affiliate program that would save them 40 years.
If you asked most people would they spend $6000 for an affiliate program for a potential $100,000 in the next 24 months,most would opt out.
The reason most people fail in online marketing is because they think this is a game.
If people are not coming to you asking for help on how to make money online, then you are doing something wrong.
You must figure out how to get people coming back to you over and over again.
Is this the same for you? Do people come back to you over and over again? If not, we can change things for you right now.
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