The Parent Help Center reflected on its mission…
and the release of the Behavioral Summer Camp 15 years ago. We develop a plan unique to each family and…
provide weekly support to ensure success and long term change. We chose this method because we were tired…
of seeing families waste time and money with no real change or results. Other camps antiquated methods only..
serve to increase frustration both with children and parents, and does not support legitimate change.
This camp was developed to restore peace to families, and help them love one another again.
We want to provide a sense of unity and empowerment. With us they have a fresh new possibility, and one…
where each family feels supported. The Parent Help Center has been in business for 22 years. Since Day 1…
it has always aimed to empower parents to raise respectful, productive children, to strengthen our community..
and to change the way parents deal with and effectively correct children’s bad behavior.
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The Parent Help Center’s Behavorial Summer Camp is a total behavior transformation!