These Freestyle Swimming Techniques For Breathing, Body Positions & Kick Timing Help You Swim Faster

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Are you a triathlete looking for an upper hand when it comes to your freestyle swimming? Master your kick timing and stroke efficiency with SWIMVICE Community’s Kickstart Program.
SWIMVICE’s Kickstart Program demonstrates how to execute various freestyle swimming techniques effectively.
When put into practice, it allows swimmers to time their kicks correctly for more efficient strokes.
Ultimately, you will see improved speed and stamina, especially when it comes to long-distance swim events.
The training course runs through, in great depth, effective freestyle swimming techniques for breathing, body positions, kick timing, and stroke cycle.
By implementing these as part of your multi-event race strategy, you can maintain a good pace without draining excessive energy.
The platform’s courses feature swimming fundamentals as well as advanced techniques to improve your breaststroke, breathing, water-treading, and freestyle speed.
Go to to find out more.


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