This Boutique Audiobook Hybrid Publisher Can Publish & Market Your Fiction Or Non-Fiction Title

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If you want to self-publish your book while giving it the best chance of success, you need to make sure it has professional editing, formatting, and cover art.
That’s why Riley Infinity’s hybrid publishing service offers assistance for editing, publishing, and marketing while ensuring you retain all your control and proceeds.
With the hybrid publisher’s services, you get a wide range of publishing support that can help you get your work released with retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.
When purchasing a full-customization service from the hybrid publisher, you can schedule a consultation call with the company’s team.
During this call, you can learn more about the publisher’s services, and provide details on your book, before going into details on cover ideas, formatting, and audiobook options.
The company also offers additional marketing and publicity services that can help you reach a wider audience once your book is published.
Give your books the best chance of long-term success with professional hybrid publishing services for editing, marketing, and distribution.
Visit for more information.


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