If your company is looking into accepting USDT, then you need a highly liquid exchange with a reliable payment gateway mechanism.
This is exactly what Innovative Concepts AG has built with SuisseBase.
Suissebase can connect your IBAN account with a cryptocurrency wallet, allowing you to make transactions seamlessly between the two.
Thanks to its massive network of market makers, it can handle sub-second settlements.
Another way by which SuisseBase handles incredibly large orders is by facilitating over-the-counter transactions, which are done directly between yourself and a seller or buyer.
One of SuisseBase’s most defining features is the level of security features built into the platform.
So if you’re looking for a crypto exchange dedicated to the delicate needs of businesses, look no further.
Find out more at suissebase.ch
This Crypto Exchange Offers Secure Fiat To USDT Transfers In EU Using An IBAN Account