This Discount Realty Company Offers Low Commission Fee Services To Memphis Home Sellers

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Memphis is a stunning and historically rich town, and now, dealing in real estate there just got much easier.
1 Percent Lists has launched their newest franchise in Memphis, and will allow you to buy or sell property for a huge discount compared to other brokers.
Their unique business model will save you thousands on commission costs and speed up the process all at once!
Their listing agents utilize a combination of social media and authority marketing to raise visibility for their properties and ensure client satisfaction.
By lowering the overhead for each sale, agents for 1 Percent Lists can divert more of their time, energy, and resources into advertising leading to faster sales overall.
Their SEO-focused ad content will run on their expansive network of social media which covers Facebook, Google, YouTube, and more.

The market is finally heating up again, so strike while you can! Take advantage of the fair winds and sell your home right away with 1 Percent Lists.
To learn more, visit


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