This Music Submission Service For Independent Artists Gets Your Songs On Popular Spotify Playlists

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Thanks to Playlist Plugger, the next time you open Spotify you might see your band and your latest single at the very top of their famous Discover Weekly playlist.
With their new playlist pitching services, Playlist Plugger can help up-and-coming musicians get airtime on Spotify playlists with high amounts of actual daily streams.
The firm’s playlist experts use real playlist curators to target the right musical influencers and the right audiences to fit your sound, image and targeted demographic.
Playlist Plugger offers you a simple sliding scale of services, which allows you to target a selection of playlists on the basis of listenership and potential reach.
The firm only targets playlists that are curated and followed by real people, not bots. They also offer you genre-specific placements.
Their basic package targets 3 to 5 playlist positions, with an expected audience reach of 35,000 to 50,000 people, which will result in approximately 5,000 streams of your song.
Their most comprehensive playlist service targets 88 to 104 playlist positions for a 2 to 3 million people audience reach, leading to around 300,000 streams of your song.
Go to the website in the description to find out more.


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