This Seattle Spa Uses Best Dermaplaning Exfoliating Methods & Machinery

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If you’re battling acne scarring, pitted skin, or you’re just beginning to notice fine lines and wrinkles, there’s a solution for that.
Book a dermaplaning appointment at Penelope and the Beauty Bar using their online app and get the industry’s most advanced exfoliating treatments for firmer, younger looking skin.
Penelope and the Beauty Bar beauticians treat you to science-backed micro-current technology and specialized exfoliating methods that give you a smoother, brighter complexion.
As a premier Seattle spa, Penelope and the Beauty Bar has been featured in numerous fashion magazines for the world class skin and body treatments they offer.
Their world class services include signature customized facials, French detox body wraps, micro-needling, jade-lined infrared pods, makeup services, lash extensions, and much more.
Penelope and the Beauty Bar specializes in dermaplaning treatments that use raw active ingredients and micro-current technology to give you smoother, firmer, more youthful skin.
With the industry’s best dermaplaning exfoliating facials, Penelope and the Beauty Bar helps you overcome acne scarring and reduce fine lines for a healthier, younger looking you.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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