This SEL Curriculum For Mental Health Helps Students Reduce Stress & Develop Character

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Hope Rising wants to teach kids to be hopeful in the face of uncertainties and adversities.
Offering the world’s first Hope-Certified SEL program, it’s helping students develop their identity and character through a mental health and character-based curriculum.
Designed to foster positive and engaging dialog between educators and students, My Best Me allows for open discussion of personal development in a safe environment.
“The My Best Me curriculum contributes to the mental health and well-being of students while enhancing their social and emotional competencies,” explains a representative.
“Our unique approach develops the psycho-social skills of students through age and grade-appropriate strategies that will help build adaptive and positive behavior.”
Grounded in five main concepts – identity, health, community, environment, and economics – the curriculum covers topics such as emotional intelligence and communication skills.
Hope Rising believes its My Best Me curriculum can help young people overcome trauma, build resilience, and develop character to thrive both in and out of the classroom.
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