Top Lead Generation Tool Helps E-Commerce Stores Increase ROI & Conversion

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Looking for an e-commerce growth hack? DefDevice’s VLC Lead Capture System helps increase your business’s ROI by rapidly growing its email list, conversions, and sales.
The VLC Lead Capture System turns lost website visitors into a list of contacts that your business can market to. It generates 150 leads out of every 1000 site visitors.
To do this, the system looks for identifiers of anonymous site visitors. When a database match is found, the visitor’s full name and email address are provided to your business.
From there, DefDevice sends personalized email offers to the visitor to try and convert them into a customer.
Where a normal e-commerce website usually gets 20 to 30 leads from every 1,000 visitors, the VLC Lead Capture System gets anywhere from 100 to more than 250 leads.
This growth is 12 times more than traditional methods. The initial email campaign alone typically increases conversion by 10 to 20% in the first week.
DefDevice’s VLC Lead Capture System is compliant with all email collection and marketing laws, and is entirely enterprise-ready.
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