J A Epperson, MBA, announces that his book, “My XYZs of Excellence: 26 Days to Excellence in Business Leadership and Life” is now available on Kindle.
Epperson explains that the title of his book already clues you in to his leadership coaching strategy.
By emphasizing the last three letters of the alphabet, he highlights the importance of following his book step-by-step to achieve significant results.
There are 26 business strategies that you can use order to learn the key business success concepts that many of today’s greatest leaders follow.
In the second section, each of the 26 concepts will be reviewed within one of five business-building elements, attitude, client, message, implement, and grow.
In doing so, you learn how to apply your knowledge in real-life practical situations.
Aside from the book, Epperson also offers a business management course with the same name.
Go to booklocker.com/books/9194.html to learn more.
Top Leadership Development & Self-Improvement Business Management Book Now On Kindle