Trauma-Informed Inpatient Program To Support The Mental Health Of Sex & Porn Addicts

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Sex, when experienced in a healthy, loving relationship, can be empowering, enabling you to bond with your partner at a deeper, emotional level.
Unfortunately, some people, due to unresolved childhood traumas or other psychological issues, may develop unhealthy behaviors toward sex and intimacy.
Utah Trauma and Addiction Centers offer a trauma-informed residential care program that can set you on a path to a lasting positive and healthy life.
The program is delivered in a judgment-free environment, offering you the tools and support you need to reclaim your life by gaining control over your symptoms.
It includes an individualized treatment plan covering cognitive & dialectical behavioral therapies, as well as EMDR, neurofeedback, biosound & equine-assisted therapies.
The treatment also has an outpatient component to prevent relapse, providing you with ongoing support for dealing with your compulsions in real life.
This includes weekly aftercare sessions and a family group program to help repair damaged relationships.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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