United Methodist Church In Mt. Pleasant, MS Hosts Holiday Community Dinner & Fundraising

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Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church wants you to show your Christmas and community cheer by supporting their busy holiday giving calendar.
The very first activity to commence their charitable season of giving and community togetherness is scheduled to take place this Saturday, November 12.
Like the other events scheduled to take place in November and December, all proceeds you help to raise will be donated to the Mt. Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department.
The major event that the church will be holding this November is their Christmas Market, which you can attend on November 26.
The purpose of the event is to bring members of the community like yourself together to raise money for one of its most valuable institutions.
As event host Carla Cunningham said, “This is a chance to see friends, meet new people, and buy unique gifts and baked goods for Christmas gifts and parties, or for themselves.”
The Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Christmas Market is just the beginning, and community members in Mt. Pleasant, Holly Springs, and Slayden are invited to keep in touch.
Go to the website in the description to find out more.


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