Use Dual-Plated NFC Smart Coins As Alternative Business Cards: Make A Bulk Order

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Conventions are a great way to connect with fans, and selling merchandise at those events can be an excellent way to monetize your content.
With Gray Water Ops’ challenge coin design service, you can distribute meaningful keepsakes to your fans that also link directly to your content.
They are now selling bulk order custom-made enamel coins with integrated NFC chips, giving you an excellent way to promote your brand in the real world and online simultaneously.
This patented tech is embedded seamlessly within the coin and can transmit data to NFC receivers, such as those found in most modern smartphones.
The NFC integrations can also be used to link to exclusive digital assets or websites, as well as establishing the creation of loyalty programs or member-only online spaces.
For example, digital creators could create a digital art piece that is only accessible to those who hold these challenge coins and who access the URL through the integrated chip.
Each coin is hand-crafted with care by the Gray Water Ops design team, ensuring a long-lasting finish and high quality design.

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