For any first-time landlord or new renter, the application process for a property can be intimidating, frustrating, and unpredictable.
Without the proper knowledge and tools, a prospective tenant may lose out on a property or a landlord may end up with a troublesome tenant.
The application process begins with a background check, and Rentec Direct offers a guide for both new landlords and new renters to help them navigate the process.
Their background check guide helps first-time landlords and renters understand how long the process takes & also provides tips on how to make the process faster and more accurate.
A typical background check will include identification verification, rental history, a credit check, employment verification, proof of income, and criminal history.
Rentec Direct encourages rental property owners to take advantage of their property management software to reduce screening time, stay organized and find great tenants.
The software features a range of application and vacancy marketing tools, allowing you to customize questions & establish rental criteria, shortening the background check process.
Click on the link in description to find out more!
Use Rentec Direct’s Rental Property Background Check Tis For Quick & Accurate Results