Use Soreide Law Group’s Searchable Broker Check Database To Track Financial Industry Crimes

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If you suspect that your broker may be engaging in behaviors that are not in your best interest, there is an easy way to determine whether you have a case against them.

Soreide Law Group has partnered with FINRA to create a searchable database known as the brokercheck tool that you can use to research your financial partners.
The brokercheck tool is intended to hold those accused of financial fraud accountable for their actions and is being updated monthly thanks to data provided by FINRA.
With this tool, you can easily find out whether your broker engaged in risky or negligent behaviors in the past, and whether you may have been a victim without knowing it.
Soreide Law Group is a team of talented experts who specialize in this type of crime, and are equipped with the tools necessary to litigate securities fraud cases out of court.
In this database are investment professionals who have engaged in overleveraging, excessive commission, failure to limit losses, overly risky trading, overconcentration, and more.
If you believe you have been impacted by financial crimes or negligence of this nature, contact Soreide Law Group for a free confidential consultation.
Click on the link in description to find out more!


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