Businesses For Sale
Machine Shop for Sale
Machinists who take pride in quality of work, on-time delivery, and have experience and expertise to complete complex jobs.
Hwy Construction & Landscaping
This highway construction & landscaping company is very well-known and highly respected by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
LED Display, Circuit Board Mfr
Profitable global manufacturing company based in the US is a leading designer and producer of indoor and outdoor display systems for commercial, industrial, and government sectors.
Metal Manufacturer
40-year-old Wisconsin metal manufacturer is for sale with three divisions. The company manufactures parts used in medical, mining, transportation, and construction equipment.
Lakes Business Group
Contact our M&A team to see more businesses for sale that meet your criteria.
Engineered Machines Mfr
This heavy equipment manufacturer has shipped products to 55 different countries over the past five years.
Mold & Foundry Tooling Mfr
Profitable full-service mold, pattern, and tooling company in Wisconsin has been serving diverse U.S. customers the past 38 years.
Waukesha, Wisconsin Business Broker has Business For Sale